Thursday, August 8, 2013

Eyebrows for the penny pincher!

Hey guys!  Soo how many of you HATE the prices of makeup these days? Like, it's crazy! I'm cheap. Okay? Don't judge. I don't like spending money on stuff that I really don't need. (Yes, ladies. You don't NEED makeup.) Don't get me wrong, makeup is my passion. I love it, but I don't love the dent it puts in my wallet.
I have a trick for you today all about eyebrows. As you probably know, I hate my eyebrows. I hate messing with them. Well, it has to be done, so why not do it the most cost effective way we can?
All you need:
Eyeshadow that matches your eyebrow color.
A brush.
Eyebrows pencil. (If too expensive, just eyeliner. No shame.)
Concealer. And an lash and brow brush.

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