Tuesday, August 20, 2013


"The Dream Water guys stayed up all night… so you don’t have to. They embarked on a journey to perfect a natural formula for a sleep and relaxation water – the first of its kind – that would not only taste great but also have zero calories. The result is Dream Water, a new and exciting lightly flavored shot with natural relaxation effects."

Hey y'all! Last week I was sent a sample of Dream Water to try out! Before I tell you of my (wonderful) experience, let me tell you more about Dream Water.
Cool facts about Dream Water:
  • ALL NATURAL (big plus for me personally). That means you're not ingesting any chemicals or yucky stuff. Also NO CALORIES! (big plus)
  • It features the unique SleepStat Natural Blend. This proprietary and natural formula includes three proven ingredients to help you relax and fall asleep: GABA (which should help reduce anxiety), Melatonin (which should help induce sleep), 5-HTP (which should help improve sleep quality)
  • They come in a convenient size and fast acting liquid form.
  • It was developed by sleep and relaxation experts.
Drink DreamWater approximately 30 minutes before bed. (Continuing regular bedtime routines such as: brushing teeth, showering, or listening to soothing music) The GABA helps you relax and reduce anxiety by blocking transmissions of impulses from one cell to another. The Melatonin helps govern the body's internal clock that regulates your natural cycle of sleeping and waking hours. The 5-HTP helps sleep and relaxation and improve the quality by stimulating the production of melatonin. 

When I received my Dream Water, before I tried it, I did my research. (of course) I looked at other's reviews/stories, the ingredients, the studies, and all that good stuff. After I figured, "Hey, this doesn't sound too bad." I decided to try some. I tried Snoozeberry flavor, and if you like koolaid or flavored water...you'll love this! It had a nice flavor, and it's a nice amount too. It doesn't feel like I'm forcing myself to finish it, because it's just a little shot. My favorite part of Dream Water is that it's all natural. Those of you who have read my other post know that I'm a lover of all natural products. I don't feel like I'm polluting my body. Also, it's ZERO CALORIES! Ladies, you've got to love when you see that! (I know I do! lol) As far as it helping me sleep, I definitely noticed a change. After one shot, I didn't wake up as much, and it was much easier and faster to fall asleep. As I continued it (3 more times) I continuously noticed improvements in my sleep pattern. I got to where I only woke up twice tops. It takes nothing to fall asleep anymore. I will definitely continue using Dream Water!  For more information or to purchase your own set (good choice) of Dream Water click here. 
Dream Water's Sleep Tips:
  1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule, limit caffeine intake, and omit daytime naps.
  2. Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and excessive eating near bedtime, finish exercising at least 2-3 hours before going to sleep, and enjoy a hot shower or bath.
  3. Reduce evening light exposure (TV, computer, ect.), keep your sleep environment dark and cool, listen to calming music or other soothing sounds, and drink a Dream Water.

Attention! Dream Water is hosting "Sponsor A Dream" contest! 
For more details on how to win 10,000 dollars toward your dream click here.

Remember to follow/subscribe to my blog for updates on other posts, giveaways, contests, and more! Follow me on Twitter @BlessYourHeartB and on Facebook and on Pinterest @ Lexie Kathryn Rhea! 
Love y'all! Make sure to comment, email, tweet, or facebook me to vote for your favorite movies from the 90s! GO GO GO! -Lexie(:

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