Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Need Opinions! Comment, comment, comment!

Hey guys! Lexie here, and I've been seriously wanting to lose some weight and get in shape. I've been wayy confused on what to do though.
There's so many options, and I'm the type of person who can't make a decision to save my life! :P

I've visited blog after blog and site after site and clicked every link I could, and I think I've decided tojust give "Shakeology" and the "Brazilian Butt Lift" a try!
Comment your opinions, or if you've tried either before let me know your results!  I need feedback people! Thanks! Have a blessed day! -Lexie(:

Hit me up on Twitter @BlessYourHeartB or E-mail me at Blessyourheartblog6@gmail.com!

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