We all have those days where you just feel completely....BLAHHHHH! BUT don't let everyday be one of those days! Here are my top 10 ways to maintain a positive life!
1. Meditate, Yoga, or Prayer.
An excellent way to start off your morning is by doing some sort of meditation or prayer, and YOGA! Yoga is a very calming, relaxing experience, and everyone could use a little bit of Yoga in their lives! If you're interested in trying Yoga for yourself check out these links!
50 Best Yoga Books Programs
2. Smile!
On bad days I know smiling is probably the last thing you want to do, but smiling can effect your attitude (and the attitude of others around you!) Smiling, even when you're upset or feeling down, can instantly give you that little...push that you need not to just give up. Try it! Next time you're feeling down...just smile at someone!
3. Surround yourself with positive people.

4. Read positive quotes and stories.
Filling your head with positivity is bound to have an effect on your attitude. Try reading a positive quote or story everyday!
5. Make a list of things you're grateful for.
Everyday make a list of 5 different things that you're thankful for. Here, I'll start: My health, my bestfriend, my adorable bunny rabbit, my home, and a trip to Cali/Baltimore this summer. Tell me about what you're thankful for!
6. Help someone.
This one is big. Helping others is a GIANT step towards a happier, more positive attitude. Just do something nice for someone else; hold a door, smile, compliment them, pay for someone's lunch, etc.
7. Take a walk.
When you're feeling upset or stressed-walk it out. Just take a walk. Just a simple 10 minute walk outside. It will clear your mind, calm you down, and plus...fresh air can't ever hurt!
8. Make a list of things that you love about yourself.

9. Take a break.
You're human, okay? Give yourself a well needed break. Take a bubble bath, take a drive, go for a swim. Anything-just relax and regroup.
10. Take pictures.
I find that taking pictures-especially of things that you find beautiful or things that you love is an excellent way to maintain a positive attitude. Invest in a camera (even one of those cheap disposable ones), take lots of pictures, print them out, put them in a collage or scrapbook or on your wall, etc.